Long headline on two lines to turn your visitors into users
I obtained my Bachelor of Arts degree at the University of the Arts in London, England where I studied Graphic Design.
I have worked for a list of prestigious companies in both the UK and the US including Holmes & Marchant UK, (Apple, Mitsubishi, MB games etc.), MPP (UK) (Ford Motor Company) as well as Northrop Grumman (PR) and Sony Pictures (Seinfeld, Rikki Lake show).
I have a wealth of experience & creative talent on offer to any prospective employer/freelance contact along with in-depth knowledge of both computer platforms (Apple & PC) and software (particularly Adobe CC and QuarkXpress).
S umma r y
I am seeking a full-time position as a Senior Graphic Designer. I have a wealth of experience
& creative talent on offer to any prospective employer/freelance contact along with in-depth
knowledge of both computer platforms (Apple & PC) and software (particularly Adobe CS and
P r o f e s s i o n a l E x p e r i e n c e
Freelance Projects: January 2011 to present:
Midvalleynews.com: Complete website redesign project using custom CMS software.
Westwood Jewelers: Ongoing P.O.P. store banners display and collateral concepts / design /
Retriever Payment Systems/NPC: Postcard mailers, print collateral, flyers and design concepts.
Senior Graphic Designer | TSI Inc (Starscroll) | Los Angeles, CA
April 1996 to 2011:
n Supervised the online and print versions of Starscroll Micro-Magazine, a monthly publication
which was produced in English and three foreign languages.
n Responsible for creating xhtml page layouts and coding in Dreamweaver for the company
website, Starmatch.com as well as producing Flash banners and email blasts.
n Designed all monthly point-of-sale banners which were crucial for Starscroll sales.
n Researched, selected and retouched Stock Images for the Monthly Display Header.
n Solely responsible for the complete redesign of Starscroll Micro-Magazine in January 2005
as well as a major update in July 2008.
n Consistently met the budget requirements for the Art Department and determined costs as
well as negotiating with vendors.
Sony Pictures | Culver City, CA
Northrop Grumman | El Segundo, CA
September 1993 – April 1996
n Involved in long term freelance projects working for companies such as Sony Pictures.
n Developed marketing collateral for Seinfeld and the Rikki Lake show.
n Produced 4 color corporate brochures as well as Powerpoint presentations in the Graphics
department at Northrop Grumman.
n Originated financial reports, charts and graphs for TCW (a Los Angeles Investment bank).
n Developed my own clientele, producing Jewelry catalogues in conjunction with an associate
Capitol Press | Los Angeles, CA
December 1992 – September 1993
n Developed graphics and layouts for product illustrations, company logos, and Internet websites.
n Created designs, concepts, and sample layouts for Skechers Shoes & Kaiser Permanente and
several other West Los Angeles Insurance companies.
S k i l l s
Adobe CS | Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, Acrobat, Flash, Dreamweaver
XHTML & CSS, Wordpress, QuarkXpress, MS Word, Powerpoint.
E d u c a t i o n
B.A. (Hons.) Graphic Design, University of the Arts.
272 High Holborn, London WC1V 7EY, United Kingdom